
Naturopathic Medicine



Primary medicine means Dr. Romanchuk carries her pharmaceutical license and has broad-range diagnostic (laboratory analysis) ability to provide treatment to anyone residing within the provinces of: British Columbia, Yukon, North West Territories.

Dr. Romanchuk has a major focus in WOMB-CARRIER MEDICINE and is focused primarily on hormone balancing, female hormone health, fertility treatment, pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, post-pregnancy care and menopause-health. Dr. Ashley has spent many extra years post naturopathic-medicine school to study the extended arts of botanical medicine, traditional chinese medicine and allopathic pharmaceutical care to provide strong support to the health of the womb-carriers.

Like most naturopathic physicians/doctors, there is strong focus in supporting the body’s Digestive and Detoxification systems as a primary mode of health, while also making sure of optimal regenerative sleep and MITOCHONDRIAL HEALTH. Another major focus of area is the GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM and the gut-mind connection. Minimizing stress on the body while promoting its optimal functioning state is also main modes of focus. Dr. Romanchuk provides extensive laboratory options for both objective diagnosis of dis-ease and monitoring of treatment. Aging at a biochemical level deals with stressors and these come in many forms. Medical evidence tells us that optimizing the mitochondial function and preventing the shortening of telomeres of the DNA are keys to longevity. There is a clinical focus on anti-aging by addressing circadian rhythm, hormonal health, digestive functioning, detoxification, physical activity and healthy weight management. An anti-inflammatory [organic] food diet and lifestyle is taught along with extra nutrients and antioxidants to slow the aging process.

Another strong focus of Dr. Romanchuk’s is within the realm of MENTAL HEALTH, particularly surrounding the deeper layers of trauma and addiction but also encompassing all parts of the mental-emotional health. Dr. Romanchuk spent her clinical years in the DTES of Vancouver working with trauma and addiction and provides a safe environment for counsel, alongside laboratory testing to decipher how to best support the body nutritionally and via pharmaceuticals, neutraceuticals (natural health supplements) and orthomolecular (intravenous) therapy. Dr. Romanchuk truly believes in mind-body medicine that mental-emotional health is pivotal to total health.

One of Dr. Romanchuk’s favourite modalities of treatment are the modalities of sweating to detoxify the system alongside hydrotherapy to boast the vital energy of the body that will move the entire being towards health. Training around food and lifestyle are a major mechanism that supports this, along with naturopathic acupuncture and botanical medicines.

Dr. Romanchuk has spent many years since she graduated from The Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (at the time called The Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine) excelling her knowledge of the Botanical Medicines, Traditional Chinese Medicine and allopathic Pharmaceutical Care.

Dr. Romanchuk knows how to identify, ethically harvest and make proper medicines of many of the native plants of the area. Dr. Romanchuk has had First Nation medicine elders as her teachers of many plant medicines and she teaches her knowledge with deep reverence towards the traditional medicine elders and the native land we stand on. The Traditional Chinese Medicine ideology of health and healing is the premise she likes to take in her diagnostics as she believes that true health comes when you see the individual to be originating from the state of health and the actions that must simply be taken to bring the individual back to health such as Traditional Chinese Medicine promotes, and she also provides the allopathic- Western Medical diagnosis and explanation of the pathophysiology of dis-ease, thereby bridging realms of two very different forms of medicine.

The labelling of dis-ease which is predominant in western culture is based on pathology and the entire ideology around labelling theory is something she teaches as she comes from a background of undergraduated studies in Criminology from the University of Calgary. Mind and energetic medicine is powerful medicine so be careful of what you believe about yourself and your health and be very careful about what labels you accept of yourself to be ‘true’. Are you healthy or on momentum towards your best health or do you label yourself as sick and carry a dis-eased label as your identity? This is important! Essentially, this is the realm of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Neural Linguistic Processing, which are important steps illuminate to take in the healing process.

Additionally, Dr. Romanchuk has a background in body kinesthetics, with a long history of ballet and yoga, Therapeutic methods such a yoga and proper muscle building and stretching techniques allow her to give valuable information which aides the body in both health and longevity.

Finally, she understands the energetic medicines very well and homeopathy, UNDA’s, Bach Flower remedies, Craniosacral therapy, Reike, harmonic tuning forks, crystal bowls (and more) are also tools in her healing toolbox that she both likes to use to support healing, and finds as very powerful tools to this process.

All genders, cultures and ages are welcome and this is a safe space provided with genuine care. Dr. Romanchuk extends a special invitation to First Nation and Métis people with culturally-informed care and both great humility and gratitude. Elder-pricing is provided, as well as reduced pricing can be considered for special cases of low-income that require naturopathic care.



Health and proper education go hand in hand. Dr. Romanchuk believes that a healthy life comes with the appropriate knowledge and habitual patterns. The entire terrain of the human individual must be assessed: mental, emotional and spiritual health have direct correlation with the physical health of the individual. Education and Naturopathic Counsel is provided in these arenas. Napoleon led his army with CHARISMA and Dr. Romanchuk has a special knack for getting people excited about their healthy lifestyle, to aide in the momentum and pathway of achieving results.


A Healthy Diet and Lifestyle

Let Thy Food Be Thy Medicine



Optimization of the Life Force:

Sleep Optimization and techniques to repair and regenerate at cellular levels with a special focus on mitochondria and energy optimization

Detoxification: Sweating, Colonics

Exercise and Physical Health Activities

Advanced Nutrition, Juicing and Supplementation

Optimal Digestive Functioning


Homeopathy including Bach Flower Remedies and UNDAs

Botanical Medicines

Massage Techniques and Therapeutics

Mental, Emotional, Spiritual Health Counselling

Pharmaceutical Prescriptions

Naturopathic Full Physical Examination:

A Full Physical Exam tells us a lot about your health as your system is observed and analyzed: Ears, Eyes, Nose, Mouth/Throat, Lungs, Heart and Vasculature, Gastrointestinal, Neurological, Muscular and Integumentary System, Gait... We look at the whites of your eyes, we notice the smell of your breath and the health of your mouth (and general being, truly). We notice how you breathe, we pay very close attention to your heartbeat, the health of your skin, and then we hold the knowledge of the the connection between these different aspects and diseases, needed nutrients, and much more than the typical public might recognize.

The Digestive Tract is the Key to Health Optimization!

Promoting and regulating the function of the digestive tract is a concentrated area of Dr. Romanchuk. There is many manifestations of an unhappy digestive system ranging from anxiety and depression to general aches and pains, to issues around weight gain and the seemingly inability to loose weight or gain proper muscle, along with the general symptoms of fatigue, poor sleep, hormonal issues, headaches, skin problems, lack of lustre in body and soul. The list goes on and on and unfortunately we live at a time where to be healthy and happy we all must be highly educated on what foods are actually nutritious and which are not doing us well.

Female Health

Female Gynecological Health and Endocrine (Hormonal) Health is a strong focus of Mountain.Ash Naturopathic Medicine. Our hormones are our main method of interaction and therefore healthy hormones mean healthy Interactions and a very healthy body! No women should be having problems with her female times. Any pain, moodiness, fatigue, emotional lability, too strong or too mild of a flow and any clots are all issues and should be focused upon to move into a healthier state. There should not be problems, plain and simple. Any of these symptoms is your body communicating to you so please start to listen. Hormonal disturbances also show up on the skin with acne and lack of lustre, they often show up as weight gain or fat gain in specific areas of the body, and/or painful breasts and often also as digestive issues, anxiety or depression . There is many more possible symptoms and any combination of those symptoms may be present. Any change of hair or hair growth is important to note as a female and libido is also another strong indicator. When female hormones are operating properly there should be a strong connection with femininity, in feeling very feminine, looking very feminine and acting very feminine. Bringing the feminine to the forefront of our energy spectrum is also counselled upon.

Pediatrics, Children, Young Adults

Welcoming little ones, children and young adults into this space. A special focus on our little humans with gentle care and a very sensitive empathic approach. Education around the early years, health optimization, conscious parenting, childhood fevers, immune and digestive optimization and much more.

Gentle teachings to Children and Young Adults about food and lifestyle choices and the slow and steady transition from parental supervision to more and more independence. A confidential environment can be maintained after the age of 12 and sometimes a fun and slightly older non-parent can be a good confident.


Out of everything I know, navigating the emotional terrain of an individual seems to be my forte. I have years of experience with humans from all walks of life and spent my clinical years in the DTES of Vancouver so counselling about trauma and the effects of aspects of trauma on the emotional body, the nervous system and day-to-day life has become a strength of mine. It is all about the nervous system and changing our repetitive and habitual ways to gain healing and a change in our life. The effects of being able to speak to a confident in a non-judgemental, safe and secure environment helps create momentum forward and bring clarity to aspects that have been issues. Many tools can be used to support what is needed to bring a healthy state to the mind, emotions and spiritual nature of a human. Come in and let’s talk,

A naturopathic visit may be booked by online booking by clicking the APPOINTMENT button or by calling Marina at +1 250 531 0154

Dr. Ashley Romanchuk is a proud member of the:

  • College of Naturopathic Physicians of British Columbia

  • College of Naturopathic Doctors of Alberta

  • Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors

  • British Columbia Naturopathic Doctors Association

  • Canada Health Alliance

  • Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment

Health is Divine